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Chapter 24
Practice Notes
§ 24.1 Introduction
§ 24.2 Bifurcated System of Taxation: Appraisal Districts and Administrative Process
§ 24.3 Equalization and Assessment Phases
§ 24.4 Taxing Units: Tax Bills and Delinquency Dates
§ 24.5 Lawsuit Process to Collect Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes
§ 24.6 Judgment by Taxing Units and Orders of Sale
§ 24.7 Tax Sale
§ 24.8 Right of Redemption
§ 24.9 Limitation Periods
24-1 Original Petition—Ad Valorem Tax Lien Foreclosure
24-2 Disclaimer—Ad Valorem Tax Lien Foreclosure
24-3 Judgment—Ad Valorem Tax Lien Foreclosure
24 Foreclosures Resulting from Ad Valorem Taxation
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